School Innovation & Improvement Plan

Outcome Goals for the Academic School Year

2024-2025 SIIP/ESSER At-a-Glance

Quander Road School

Region 3

Frank Tranfa, Principal

Academic Growth and Excellence: Literacy


Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Reading.


By the end of the school year, students in literacy classes will show progress on the spring SRI at the following levels: Below Basic will increase 150 Lexile points (towards Basic) by the end of SY2024-25; Basic will increase 100 Lexile points (towards proficient) by the end of SY 2024-25.

Strategy 1

Use explicit instruction to teach reading intervention class.

Strategy 2

Use formative integrated reading strategies (i.e., reading responses, annotations).

Strategy 3

Utilize small groups and intervention to increase opportunities for students who need more practice to master standards

Academic Growth and Excellence: Mathematics 


Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Mathematics.


By the end of the school year, all students in their 4th year (and above) of high school will have obtained the verified math credit needed for high school graduation.

Strategy 1

Utilize advisory time for remediation of skills.

Strategy 2

Students receive feedback on their behavior and academic progress.

Strategy 3

Teachers will goal set with students based on current state of math verified credit.

Safe, Supported, Included and Empowered


Improve student wellness through culturally responsive teaching, conflict resolution, and trauma-informed care.


By the end of the school year Quander will increase by 50% the amount of restorative practices used based on discipline outcomes.       

Strategy 1

Provide tailored professional development for teachers and staff on Tier 1 wellness practices, including culturally responsive teaching, conflict resolution, and trauma-informed care. Offer specialized training on restorative justice for effective disciplinary approaches.

Strategy 2

Integrate Tier 1-3 Restorative practices and justice into school discipline procedures and practices.